Cheapest way to supplement collagen for healthy skin, hair and nails


Collagen is a structural protein responsible for building the connective tissue throughout the body, including your skin, muscle and bones.

Healthy collagen levels contribute to:
-joint health
-protection of the kidneys and other organs
-skin elasticity
– healthy cardiovascular system
-improved hair and nail health

Unfortunately as we age we naturally loss collagen and our body’s ability to produce it also reduces . Certain habits such as smoking, excessive drinking, eating diets high in sugar and excessive sun damage can accelerate this process.

Although collagen supplements are now readily available in the market , they can be expensive and of poor quality . There are many foods that are high in collagen and a simple change to your eating habits can boost the amount of collagen through your daily intake .

Because your body naturally produces collagen from amino acids, you can support collagen production with a protein rich diet . Collagen production also needs dietary components like vitamin c, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds  and minerals such as zinc and copper. Ensure you each fruits and vegetables packed with these .

Examples of foods that can help you boost your collagen naturally through healthy diet are :
-Bone broth – high in collagen and minerals
-Chicken – high in protein
-Fish with skin on- high in collagen protein
-Egg whites- high in protein
-Citrus fruits – high in vitamin c
-Berries – high in vitamin c
-Garlic -also prevent breakdown of collagen
-Leafy greens high in antioxidants
-Beans – high in amino acids required for collagen synthesis
-Cashew nuts – high in zinc and copper that boost collagen synthesis
-Tomatoes- high in antioxidants
-Bell pepper – high in antioxidant
-Broccoli /cauliflower

In summary if you feel the need to supplement collagen , revisit your lifestyle and make a few tweak to your diet . This will cost you nothing but your body will thank you for it

Categories: Beauty Body FAQs
Mehnaaz Khan: